Jackson Wong

Ecquaria Technologies Pte Ltd


Dear Dear


Ismira Yanti









Kye Mun






Shan Shan

Life Concept



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Wednesday, November 30, 2005.
Review the answer for yesterday's

Question 3 :

There are two plastic jugs filled with water .
How could you put all of this water
into a barrel , without using the jugs
or any dividers ,
and still tell which water
came from which jugs ?

Ans : Freeze them first . Take them out of the jugs and put
the ice in the barrel . You will be able to tell which water
came from which jug .


Here comes today's question

Question 4 :

What is black when you buy it ,
red when you use it ,
and gray when you throw it away ?

.:In life we do not just look at the things that happened around us but we look and think the things that is way beyond us:.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005.
Yesterday's question was.....

Question 2 :

A woman shoots her husband . Then she holds
him under water for over 5 minutes .
Finally , she hangs him .
But 5 minutes later they both go out together
and enjoy a wonderful dinner together .
How can this be ?

Ans : The woman was a photographer . She shot a picture of her husband , developed it , and hung it up to dry .


Question 3 :

There are two plastic jugs filled with water .
How could you put all of this water
into a barrel , without using the jugs
or any dividers ,
and still tell which water
came from which jugs ?

.:In life we do not just look at the things that happened around us but we look and think the things that is way beyond us:.

Monday, November 28, 2005.
Hi there guess you are back to view the answer. Am I right? Well ok, let's refresh again.

Yesterday's question was :

A murderer is condemned to death .
He has to choose between three rooms .
The first is full of raging fires
The second is full of assassins with loaded guns
The third is full of lions that have not eaten in 3 years
Which room is safest for him ?

Ans : The third . Lions that haven’t eaten in 3 years are dead .

Did you get it right? Or you have other answers that you want to share with me?


Today's Question as follows

Question 2 :

A woman shoots her husband . Then she holds
him under water for over 5 minutes .
Finally , she hangs him .
But 5 minutes later they both go out together
and enjoy a wonderful dinner together .
How can this be ?

.:In life we do not just look at the things that happened around us but we look and think the things that is way beyond us:.

Sunday, November 27, 2005.
This week I will be showing you some questions to think about it. Answers will be out on the following day at midnight. Since I have 6 questions, therefore I will spread throughout the entire week. Today is Sunday, then I shall start my first question.

Here it goes:
Question 1 :

A murderer is condemned to death .
He has to choose between three rooms .
The first is full of raging fires
The second is full of assassins with loaded guns
The third is full of lions that have not eaten in 3 years
Which room is safest for him ?

Think about the question above. Tomorrow midnight, I will review the answers and the second question will be post. Do stay tune. Thank you for your time.

.:In life we do not just look at the things that happened around us but we look and think the things that is way beyond us:.

Saturday, November 26, 2005.
Everyday is a learning be it what you are doing.

Cause in all you still benefit something on what you have done.

Home: We learn to take care of our belongings. We learn how to cook and feed ourselves.

School: We learn new modules every new semester. We learn new topics each week. We learn new skills each day.

National Service(NS): We learn how to take care of our buddies in a platoon. We learn how to fight against terrorism.

Friends: We are always being introduce to others and starting to know what kind of person he/she is.

Life: We learn to appreciate things that happened. We learn how to handle things. We learn to forgive and forget.

Relationship: We learn to give and take. We learn to be patient to one another. We learn to understand one another

.:Learning is part and parcel of life:.


Can you see that the "cylinder" turning either left or right? If no then your eyes is not playing tricks on you. (",)

.:Somehow in life your eyes may play tricks on you:.

Qns: Can we live without friends?
Ans: No.

Qns: Why do we need friends?
Ans: Cause they are the person whom you always hang out with.

They are always there when you needed someone to talk to. When you are feeling down, they are always there to let you pour out all your unhappiness or sadness out from the bottom of your heart.

To what I feel, I do not think anyone can live without friends. You will feel miserable if you are really aloner.

Feeling lonely at the moment? Well, maybe you just want to be alone for the time being to have your own time.

A person who is excited about certain things. He/she will wish to share the happiness with someone close.

To those out there who are not attached :
Stay close with you playmates and keep your friends all entertained.

To those out there who are attached :
Do not forget that you are not living in a two person's world. Afterall friends do come first before you two can be together.

.:Never forget that you are not alone:.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005.

The above is my lastest new hair style. As requested from most of my friends to cut my hair...this is the result of after effect.

.:Short hair suit me more than long hair:.

Friday, November 11, 2005.

It will be screening in the theater near you on 1st December

.:Watching movie is one kind of relaxation(try not to watch in weekends):.

Friday, November 04, 2005.
Its been almost a month since I last came in to type my entries. For the passed one month, I have been working very hard to earn my allowance. Seem to be a easy job to most of you. My job scope is to carry goods. Sounds simple? Well is not what you are thinking.

The picture above is packed with Size D Energizer Battery. The weight of this pack is around 15kg(not heavy?wait till you carry more than 60 boxes). Yup! I am carry loads and loads of batteries...Never in my whole life I have had carried that much. Really felt tired after the carrying. But in return I learn how to be endurance towards works loads, unfriendly workers, unexpected comments and many more. Is a good experience in one of my factory work. Those who are studying the level as I am, you must be wondering is our ITP(industry training program) will be something like that? Erm...I doubt so, I think it will be much easier. 8am to 5pm I guess.

Oh ya BTW(by the way), forgot to tell you that when I am working in energizer company, I am working in night shift(why night shift?Can earn more...So that is why). Well guess that's about it.

.:Always be determina in what ever you do:.